Sunday 14 September 2008

Lessons Learnt

I went to church yesterday, and Steve was wearing a t-shirt bearing the words ;
"I've tried, but I've failed terribly. Lesson learnt, never try."
Quoted by the famous Homer Simpson

Funny thing, I found those "wise" words actually true.
I mean you know you are going to fail no matter what so why try right?
But, if you don't try you'll never know.
Ahh, life is really contradicting.
Example, "practice makes perfect". However there is another quote, " Nobody is perfect".
I don't get it.

All these quotes are suppose to help those who are in need of advise and what not, but its just confusing them and me.
Note to self, quotes aren't really realible.

Its only September yet I'm practicing for a Christmas play.
My role is pretty minor so I'm not grumbling.
But all these planning for Christmas makes me exicited.
I can't wait for that time of the year again when all the trees, songs and lights
start to come out.
I'll get all warm and happy.

I know its just a picture, but its so pretty.

I love this house.

I have this feeling now, a feeling which I haven't had for sometime now and I'm worried.

I think I love you.

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