Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Gossip, Gossip and More Gossip


The word which everyone hates yet loves. Its worldwide. Everyone from every nook and cranny of this world understands it. Its the ultimate entertainment, yet the ultimate killer. Its something the 99.9% of the world's population enjoy doing, but its one of the most deadliest weapon.

Yes, I can't believe that something can be so huge in the world today. People tend to think only girls and women gossip. Oh how wrong that statement is.
I think in this generation, guys can give the girls a run for their money when it comes to gossiping.

The feeling of sharing a piece of interesting news must be a great feeling.
The common phrases heard,
"eh eh, did you know so-and-so did something with so-and-so"
"Oh my god, you know something, yesterday while I was doing what-and-whatever I saw you-know-who doing you-know-what"
"You will never believe what happened. So-and-so said this-and-that".

Sounds familiar? I know.

Human nature is like that. We just love the feeling of being let in on the "juiciest" piece of news. I myself for one like gossip. I won't deny that. But don't you dare deny you like it as well. I mean how on earth do you think Entertainment Tonight was formed or how paparazzis are getting their money.

How does it all start? Person A tells person B. Then person B tells person C and D who will tell their friends, and their friends will tell their friends who will tell their other friends and so on. The list never stops. And before you know it, almost everyone knows about it.

The best part, each time the story makes a transition, the story changes and somehow becomes more expanded and exaggerated.

Example, lets just say, Lily caught Mona picking a biscuit she dropped on the floor and eats it. Lily goes and tell Mary and Jane who tells Lisa, June and Brenda who tells their brothers and sisters and boyfriends or pets.

Finally when one of the last people gets the news it will sound like this,

"Did you know Lily saw Mona pick up a biscuit which she dropped in the toilet and the toilet floor was wet with pee and she actually ate it. After she ate it she said, Yummy!"

Poor Mona, for the rest of her life she will be traumatised about picking up the biscuit.

"The tongue, deadlier than the sharpest sword."

I'm not feeling too well today. I think I've got the flu. Ah well, getting sick is usual.

I've chucked my books aside. Its getting dusty in a corner.

Oh well, I'm still not feeling well.

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