Thursday, 5 June 2008

Just Plain Stupid

Ok remember the T-shirt I was telling you people about? The T-shirt that goes:


I found the picture of the T-shirt. Look below.

Sickening. I know. I wonder which idiot came up with it. (must be an SM)

Anyway, I found some T-shirts which are just plain S-T-U-P-I-D. You may not get all for some of it needs ummm.. "extra knowledge" (yea right) to be understood.


er? (better keep that question mark in your head)

What a "nice" greating

Try telling this to your parents when they tell you to turn down the volume.

A hidden meaning?

What the hell. Try writting this in your Geografi folio(langkah-langkah memelihara alam sekitar)

Ok I found this quite funny.

I'm not explaining this. Go figure.

This made me speechless.

I wonder how these people come up with such things.

Many things aren't mean't to be answered.

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